Course curriculum

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    Biblical Reference Guide for the Gottman Method

    • Title and Table of Contents

    • Introduction

    • Level One: Build Love Maps

    • Level Two: Share Fondness and Admiration

    • Level Three: Turn Towards Instead of Away

    • Level Four: The Positive Perspective

    • Level Five: Manage Conflict

    • Level Six: Make Life Dreams Come True

    • Level Seven: Create Shared Meaning

    • Appendix 1: Summary of Key Verses Related to the Sound Relationship House

    • Appendix 2: The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work and The Sound Relationship House

    • Appendix 3: Additional Resources

    • Appendix 4: Training for Educators and Clinicians

    • Appendix 5: References

    • Biblical Reference Guide for the Gottman Method - Full