Course curriculum

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    Parents' Workbook

    • Bringing Baby Home: Parents' Workbook

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    • Introduction

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    Bringing Baby Home Parents' Workshop

    • Chapter 1 - Moving Through Time Together

    • Chapter 2 - Build Love Maps: Knowing Each Other

    • Chapter 3 - Share Fondness and Admiration

    • Chapter 4 - Turn Towards: Build an Emotional Bank Account

    • Chapter 5 - Maintain the Positive Perspective

    • Chapter 6 - Ritualize the Daily Stress-Reducing Conversation

    • Chapter 7 - Flooding, Self-Soothing and Taking Breaks

    • Chapter 8 - Recognize the Four Warning Signs of Relationship Meltdown

    • Chapter 9 - Practice the Four Steps of Constructive Problem Solving

    • Chapter 10 - From Me to We to Family

    • Chapter 11 - Honor Parents & Caregivers

    • Chapter 12 - Recognize the Importance Of Co-parents, Caregivers, & Other Influential Adults

    • Chapter 13 - Understand Baby Blues, Postpartum Mood Disorders, & Other Mental Health Issues

    • Chapter 14 - Connect with Your Children

    • Chapter 15 - Preserve Intimacy And Romance in Your Relationship

    • Chapter 16 - Create Shared Meaning, Values, & Rituals of Connection

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    • Conclusion & Additional Resources

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    • Copies of Selected Exercises

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    Card Decks

    • Love Maps

    • Love Maps For Parents with Kids

    • Open-Ended Questions

    • Expressing Needs

    • Softened Startup

    • Parenting Roles

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    Videos From the Archives

    • Let's Play with Baby

    • What's Baby Saying