Course curriculum

  • 1

    Begin Here

    • Required - Educator Agreement

    • Course Syllabus

  • 2

    Recordings, Homework, & Teachback Information

    • Live Training Homework

    • Teachback Topics & Guidelines

    • Teachback Examples

    • Live Presenter and Course Evaluation

  • 3

    Getting Started

    • [EDUCATOR GUIDE] Welcome

    • [VIDEO] Getting Started

    • [QUIZ] Before You Start - Test Your Bringing Baby Home Knowledge

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    Course Resources

    • [DOWNLOAD] Educator Manual & Parents' Workbook

    • [DOWNLOAD] - Editable - PowerPoints for Your Parent Workshop

    • [CARD DECK] Love Maps

    • [CARD DECK] Love Maps for Parents with Kids

    • [CARD DECK] Open-Ended Questions

    • [CARD DECK] Expressing Needs

    • [CARD DECK] Softened Startup

    • [CARD DECK] Parenting Roles

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    Module 1: Moving Through Time Together

    • [EDUCATOR GUIDE] Moving Through Time Together Overview

    • [VIDEO] Course Introduction

    • [EXERCISE] Transition to Parenthood

    • [VIDEO] Transition to Parenthood

    • [VIDEO] What Does the Research Say?

    • [VIDEO] The Sound Relationship House Theory

    • [QUIZ] Knowledge Check

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    Module 2: Build Love Maps: Knowing Each Other

    • [EDUCATOR GUIDE] Build Love Maps Overview

    • [VIDEO] Build Love Maps

    • [ROLEPLAY] Love Maps

    • [EXERCISE] Love Maps

    • [VIDEO] Deepening Love Maps

    • [EXERCISE] Deepening Love Maps

    • [QUIZ] Knowledge Check

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    Module 3: Share Fondness & Admiration

    • [EDUCATOR GUIDE] Share Fondness and Admiration Overview

    • [VIDEO] The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

    • [VIDEO] Strengthening Friendship: Sharing Fondness and Admiration

    • [ROLEPLAY] Sharing Fondness and Admiration

    • [EXERCISE] Sharing Fondness and Admiration

    • [QUIZ] Knowledge Check

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    Module 4: Turn Towards: Build an Emotional Bank Account

    • [EDUCATOR GUIDE] Turn Towards Overview

    • [VIDEO] The Emotional Bank Account

    • [VIDEO] Bids and Turning

    • [ROLEPLAY] Bids & Turning

    • [EXERCISE] Expressing Needs

    • [VIDEO] Turning Towards Your Children

    • [EXERCISE] States of Infant Consciousness

    • [VIDEO] What's Baby Saying

    • [QUIZ] Knowledge Check

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    Module 5: Maintain the Positive Perspective

    • [EDUCATOR GUIDE] Positive Perspective Overview

    • [VIDEO] Creating a Culture of Appreciation

    • [EXERCISE] Expressing Appreciation

    • [VIDEO] Let's Play with Baby

    • [VIDEO] Emotion Coaching with Children

    • [EXERCISE] Understanding Your Child's Emotions

    • [EXERCISE] Recognizing & Respecting Emotions

    • [EXERCISE] Partner's Communication

    • [QUIZ] Knowledge Check

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    Module 6: Ritualize the Daily Stress-Reducing Conversation

    • [EDUCATOR GUIDE] Stress-Reducing Conversation Overview

    • [VIDEO] The Daily Stress-Reducing Conversation

    • [ROLEPLAY] The Daily Stress-Reducing Conversation

    • [EXERCISE] Creating Your Daily Stress-Reducing Conversation

    • [ROLEPLAY] The Daily Stress-Reducing Conversation: Licorice Metaphor

    • [QUIZ] Knowledge Check

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    Module 7: Flooding, Self-Soothing, & Taking Breaks

    • [EDUCATOR GUIDE] Flooding Overview

    • [VIDEO] Quarrels, Challenges, and Combating Stress

    • [EXERCISE] Developing A Break

    • [VIDEO] Conflict and Children

    • [EXERCISE] Guided Self-Soothing

    • [QUIZ] Knowledge Check

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    Module 8: Recognize the Four Warning Signs of Relationship Meltdown

    • [EDUCATOR GUIDE] Four Warning Signs Overview

    • [VIDEO] What are the Four Warning Signs?

    • [EXERCISE] Your Perpetual Issues

    • [EXERCISE] Solvable Problem

    • [QUIZ] Knowledge Check

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    Module 9: Practice the Four Steps of Constructive Problem Solving

    • [EDUCATOR GUIDE] Constructive Problem Solving Overview

    • [VIDEO] Understanding the Four Steps

    • [VIDEO] Step 1 - Practice Soft Startup

    • [EXERCISE] Softened Startup

    • [VIDEO] Step 2 - Accept Influence

    • [EXERCISE] Accepting Influence

    • [VIDEO] Step 3 - Repair the Interaction and De-escalate

    • [EXERCISE] Gottman Repair Checklist

    • [VIDEO] Step 4 - Compromise

    • [EXERCISE] Repair And Compromise

    • [ROLEPLAY] Constructive Problem Solving

    • [EXERCISE] Processing a Fight

    • [EXERCISE] Finding The Dream Within Every Conflict

    • [QUIZ] Knowledge Check

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    Module 10: From Me to We to Family

    • [EDUCATOR GUIDE] From Me to We to Family Overview

    • [VIDEO] Making Meaning for Your Family

    • [EXERCISE] Your Needs and Desires Questionnaire

    • [EXERCISE] Weaving Our Family Cultures

    • [ROLEPLAY] Verbal and Emotional Communication: Ball Toss

    • [QUIZ] Knowledge Check

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    Module 11: Honor Parents & Caregivers

    • [EDUCATOR GUIDE] Honor Parents & Caregivers Overview

    • [VIDEO] What Will Be Your Parenting Legacy

    • [EXERCISE] Honor Parents & Caregivers

    • [QUIZ] Knowledge Check

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    Module 12: Recognize the Importance of Co-parents, Caregivers, & Other Influential Adults

    • [EDUCATOR GUIDE] Importance of Co-Parents, Caregivers, & Other Influential Adults Overview

    • [VIDEO] Building a Compassionate and Flexible Support Structure

    • [VIDEO] A Parent's Role in Play

    • [EXERCISE] The Importance of Parents

    • [QUIZ] Knowledge Check

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    Module 13: Understand Baby Blues, Postpartum Mood Disorders, & Other Mental Health Issues

    • [EDUCATOR OVERVIEW] Understand Baby Blues, Postpartum Mood Disorders, & Other Mental Health Issues Overview

    • [VIDEO] Talking About Mental Health

    • [VIDEO] Recognizing the Myriad of Mental Health Issues

    • [EXERCISE] Partner Massage

    • [QUIZ] Knowledge Check

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    Module 14: Connect with Your Children

    • [EDUCATOR OVERVIEW] Connect with Your Children Overview

    • [VIDEO] Fostering an Early Bond with Your Children

    • [VIDEO] Tools for Creating a Parent-Child Connection

    • [VIDEO] Barriers to Building a Connection

    • [QUIZ] Knowledge Check

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    Module 15: Preserve Intimacy & Romance in Your Relationship

    • [EDUCATOR OVERVIEW] Preserve Intimacy and Romance Overview

    • [VIDEO] Building Emotional Connection

    • [ROLEPLAY] Transition to Parenthood

    • [EXERCISE] Planning Your Intimacy

    • [QUIZ] Knowledge Check

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    Module 16: Create Shared Meaning, Values, & Rituals of Connection

    • [EDUCATOR OVERVIEW] Shared Meaning Overview

    • [VIDEO] Create a Shared Connection

    • [EXERCISE] Shared Meaning Discussion

    • [EXERCISE] Creating a Shared Family Philosophy

    • [QUIZ] Knowledge Check

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    Conclusion & Exam

    • [VIDEO] The Secret Sauce

    • [EXAM] Educator Exam

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    Educator Library

    • How to Plan and Present Your Gottman Workshop

    • Resources to Market and Promote Your Workshop

    • Sample Forms for Your Workshop

    • Purchasing Materials

    • Therapy Referrals

    • Connect with Other Educators