Course curriculum

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    Please Read!

    • Welcome!

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    Path to Purpose

    • The Path To Purpose

    • Strictly Science - The Path to Purpose - High Schoolers

    • 12 Steps to Purpose and Meaning

    • Dr. John Gottman on... Teen Emotion Coaching

    • Just Ask Dr. Julie - How Do I Express Frustration With My Child Without Yelling?

    • Just Ask Dr. Julie - How Can I Develop a Deep and Meaningful Relationship With My Teenager?

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    Succeed in School, Character, Mindset, Grit, and Antisocial Friends

    • How to Help Your Child Succeed in School - Factor #1 - Character, Mindset, and Grit

    • How to Parent Authoritatively - Factor #2 - Disengaged Students and Parenting Styles

    • Factor #3 - How To Protect Your Teen From Antisocial Friends -

    • Factor #4 - The Importance of Teenage Sleep Habits

    • Factor #5 - Your Teenager and Their Devices

    • 5 Tips to Help Your Teenager Cope with Failure In Sports or School

    • Dr. John Gottman on Teen Social Skills

    • Just Ask Dr. Julie - How Do I Deal With Cell Phones During Family Time?

    • Just Ask Dr. Julie - How Do I Get My Teenager To Clean Their Room?

    • Just Ask Dr. Julie - How Do I Talk To My Teenager About Money?

    • Just Ask Dr. Julie - My Child Has a Paralyzing Fear They're Going to Be Involved in a School Shooting. What Can I Say To Them?

    • Just Ask Dr. Julie - My Kid Graduated High School During COVID and is Having Trouble With Post-Graduation Direction. What Do I Do?

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    • Teen Success Cultivating Purpose and Achievement