Course curriculum

  • 1

    Please Read!

    • Welcome!

  • 2

    Teen Identity Formation, Biology, Brain, and Timelines of Growth

    • The Biology of Puberty

    • How to Help your Child with Body Image Problems

    • 5 Tips To Talk To Your Teen About Sex

    • Just Ask Dr. Julie - My Kid Wants to Quit Every Activity They Start. What Do I Do?

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    The Science of the Teenage Brain

    • Intro - How to Parent Your Teen Through Their Phases of Brain Development

    • The Teen Brain

    • How to Parent Your Teen Through Their Phases of Brain Development

    • Five Tips To Help Your Teen Cope With Loss

    • Just Ask Dr. Julie - How Do We Re-start Kids Who Stall During COVID?

    • Just Ask Dr. Julie - I Caught My Teenager Smoking Weed. What Do I Do?

    • Just Ask Dr. Julie - Should I Be Worried If My Child Has Imaginary Friends?

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    • The Science of the Teenage Mind