Course curriculum

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    • Welcome!

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    Mental Health

    • Introduction - A Crisis in Mental Health for Today's Teens

    • Strictly Science - The Mentally Healthy Adolescent

    • Two Myths and Two Truths – An Introduction

    • Myth One: We Can Choose Which Emotions We Feel

    • Truth One: Listen to Your Emotions

    • Myth Two: Teens Are Psychologically Fragile

    • Truth Two: Adolescents Need to be Challenged, or They Will Not Grow

    • Just Ask Dr. Julie - How Will Divorce Affect My Teenager?

    • Just Ask Dr. Julie - My Ex Lets Our Kid Play Violent Video Games. How Do I Confront This Without Being the Villain?

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    A Nation in Denial

    • A Nation in Denial

    • How to Help Your Child With Teenage Bullying

    • 5 Steps to Build Resilience in My Teenager

    • How To Talk To Your Teen About Their Friends

    • Dr. John Gottman on Teens Navigating Friendships

    • Just Ask Dr. Julie - I Think My Daughter is a Bully - What Do I Do?

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    • How to Set Limits with Your Teenager

    • Strictly Science - Negotiating Boundaries

    • 5 Ways To Get Your Teen To Respond To Your Texts

    • Why Do Teens Use Drugs And How Can I Help Them Stop That Risky Behavior

    • Dr. John Gottman on Teen Drug Use

    • Just Ask Dr. Julie - My Child Found Out I’m Having an Affair and Wants to Tell My Husband. What Do I Tell My Child?

    • Just Ask Dr. Julie - My Partner and I Are Getting Serious, How and When Do I Introduce Them to My Kids?

    • Just Ask Dr. Julie - My Son Is Always Lying to Me, What Do I Do?

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    • The Secret Life Of Teens