Course curriculum

  • 1

    Begin Here

    • Required - Leader Agreement

    • Wobo Test1

    • Wobo Test2

    • Wobo test3

  • 2

    Course Resources

    • Leader Training PowerPoint

  • 3

    Introduction to Lessons in Love Leader Training

    • Welcome Future Leaders

    • The Research

    • Overview of the Seven Principles

    • Knowledge Check

  • 4

    Principle 1 - Enhancing Love Maps

    • Principle 1

    • Enhance Love Maps

    • Enhance Love Maps by Asking Open-Ended Questions

    • Roleplay - Open-Ended Questions

    • Knowledge Check

  • 5

    Principle 2 - Nurture Fondness and Admiration

    • Principle 2

    • Nurture Fondness and Admiration

    • Giving Sincere Appreciations

    • Reflection Exercise: Fondness

    • Knowledge Check

  • 6

    Principle 3 - Turn Towards, Bids, and Technology

    • Principle 3

    • Emotional Bank Account and Bids

    • Roleplay - Rejecting and Accepting Repair

    • Being Supportive During a Stress-Reducing Conversation

    • Roleplay - Stress Reducing Conversations

    • Phases of Relationships and Safe vs Unsafe People

    • Dating

    • Dating (Small Group)

    • Dating (Large Group)

    • Knowledge Check

  • 7

    Principle 4 - Accept Influence

    • Principle 4

    • Accepting Influence

    • Empathize and Honor the Request

    • Conlifct Management and the Four Horsemen

    • Relaxation Exercise

    • Types of Relationship Conflict

    • Knowledge Check

  • 8

    Principle 5 - Solve Solvable Problems

    • Principle 5

    • Solvable Problems

    • Practice Softened Start-Up

    • Gottman Repair Checklist

    • Learn to Self-Soothe

    • Compromise and Common Ground

    • Compromise

    • Knowledge Check

  • 9

    Principle 6 - Overcome Gridlock

    • Princple 6

    • Gridlock Problems

    • Roleplay - Dreams Within Conflict

    • Conflict Styles

    • Meta-Emotions

    • Meta-Emotions Questionnaire

    • Knowledge Check

  • 10

    Principle 7 - Create Shared Meaning

    • Principle 7

    • Create Shared Meaning

    • Rituals of Connection

    • Supporting Each Other's Roles & Life Goals

    • Values and Symbols

    • Four Pillars of Shared Meaning

    • Knowledge Check

  • 11

    Conclusion and Exam

    • That's a Wrap

    • Exam

  • 12

    Leader Resource Library

    • How to Plan and Present Your Gottman Workshop

    • Form Templates

    • Logos

    • Badges

    • Singles Workshop PowerPoint

    • Is This the Real Thing?